Episode 6: Thinking About How We Can Change Libyan Healthcare. هل نقدر وكيف نحسن القطاع الصحي في ليبيا؟

بعد غياب طويل ،،، حلقة جديدة ،،، هدرزة بسيطة ومتواضعة على تحفيز الناس على  التفكير في كيفية تغيير النظام الصحي للأحسن في ليبيا ،،، الهدف الأساسي هو التخلص من السلبية واعطاء نوعية من الأمل ،،، خاصة للأطباء الشباب ،،، أنهم فعلاً قادرين على إحداث تغيير إيجابي ،،، الحلقة بسيطة ولم أناقش أشياء دقيقة ولم استعرض أشياء علمية  ،،، هذا متروك لحلقات مستقبلية إن شاء الله ،،، لكن هذه بداية ،،، إذا تريد المساهمة ارجوا أن تعلق وتشاركنا في النقاش وإثراء هذا الموضوع المهم ،،، حفظكم و وفقكم الله ،،، وشكراً على المتابعة



Episode 5: Libyamedcast is back with a project update!

It has been over 4.5 years since the last episode, better late than never! I’m back to try to rekindle this humble project, I hope this time I can succeed in being more regular and more importantly in encouraging others to contribute to the project. If you are interested, please leave a comment or email me (check the “about Libyamedcast” tab).

I ask Allah (SWT) to guide us and more importantly to help our country and people during this very difficult time in Libya.

Episode 3: Practical approach to assessing and managing an acutely ill patient [Part 1]

Assalamo Alikum, this is the long overdue third episode of Libyamedcast. I apologise for the long absence, as they say, better late than never! I think I fell into the trap I tried to avoid in the first place, which is to be so fearful of how the episodes will turn out to the extent that I constantly avoid doing anything. I finally got some courage and managed to restart the project. The recording is from a while back.

Unfortunately I am alone in this and the next episode, I hope you can bare with me and don’t sleep while listening! I also hope brother Hussein and others can contribute soon. I am trying to convince some people to try this out, but it will take time. If anyone is interested in contributing please let me know and I’ll be very happy to hear from you. The podcast belongs to anyone who wants to contribute to health care, I am here merely to facilitate the process through this humble project.

The topic I discuss in this episode is divided into two parts. This episode is an introduction and in Episode Four I will discuss the management of acutely unwell patients in more detail.

Again, I am sorry for the poor quality sound, the constants umms and aahs I say and the silly language mixture!
Please feel free to leave any comments or concerns regarding the podcast or the embedded document and also let me know if anything needs correction.

Whilst I try my best to make sure everything that is mentioned in all the podcasts is correct, I nonetheless urge any listeners to use the podcasts as a stimulus to seek further knowledge and to read around the topics mentioned and to make sure everything is correct, safe  and up to date.

I have embedded a PDF document below which has a brief outline of Episodes 3 and 4, as well as the references I used. Please take sometime to go through it.

I am also pleased to say that you can listen to and download Libyamedcast on i-Tunes. This website in English and this in Arabic explains how to use i-Tunes to listen to and download podcasts. You could also see this video which will explain how to use i-Tunes to listen and subscribe to podcasts (click here to watch video).

Thank you for listening and I hope all of us can contribute to the betterment of our countries health care inshala.